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    Peptidomics Analysis Service


      Figure 1. Peptidomics


      Peptidomics refers to the study of all endogenous bioactive peptides in organism, cell, or tissue. Bioactive peptides are biologically active substances involved in various cellular functions within organism, which include cytokines, growth hormones, and disease-specific degradation fragments of certain proteins in body fluid. These peptides play a crucial role in the regulation of organism, encompassing hormone regulation, neurotransmitter modulation, cell growth and proliferation, and immune modulation. The investigation of peptide structures and physiological functions holds significant importance in life sciences. Peptidomics is the discipline that studies the structure and function of the peptidome from multiple perspectives. Mass spectrometry (MS) employed in peptidomics enable both qualitative and quantitative identification of peptide in samples.


      Service at MtoZ Biolabs

      1. Peptide Purity Analysis 

      2. Peptidomics Analysis

      3. Peptide Biomarker Identification

      4. Peptide Mass Spectrometry Identification

      5. High-accuracy MS-based Immunopeptidomics Analysis and Neoantigen Discovery

      6. Peptide Structure Determination

    • • Immunopeptidomics Service

      The immunopeptidome comprises all short peptides presented on the cell surface by HLA-I and II molecules for T-cell recognition. Immunopeptidomics analysis aims to explore the dynamics and composition of both type I and II immune peptides. Comprehensive characterization of the immunopeptidome aids in developing new therapies for cancer, immune diseases, and infectious diseases.  

    • • Peptidomics Service

      The objective of peptidomics analysis extends beyond identifying and verifying all endogenous peptides in the biological samples under study. It also involves comparing the expression levels of target peptides across specific biochemical processes. Mass spectrometry facilitates a comprehensive analysis of these peptides.   Peptidomics and proteomics have similar strategic approaches in research; however, notable differences exist.

    • • Peptide Analysis Service


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