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    Multi-Omics Analysis Service

      With the widespread application of high-throughput technologies, researchers can obtain omics data on a large scale from various molecular levels, including the genome, transcriptome, proteome, interactome, epigenome, metabolome, lipidome, and microbiome. Multi-omics integrated data analysis has revolutionized biology, enhancing our understanding of biological processes and molecular mechanisms. The use of high-throughput omics methods in biological sample analysis generates data files ranging from terabytes to gigabytes in size daily. Research at the molecular level is gradually improving, and a shift from partial to holistic approaches is an inevitable trend. Multi-omics integrated data analysis involves more than merely integrating data; it represents an in-depth investigation into biological interpretation, providing new insights for fundamental biology and disease research.



      Misra, B. B. et. al. J. Mol. Endocrinol. 2018.

      Diagram of Multi-Omics Integrated Analysis


      Service Advantages

      Single-omics analysis methods can provide information on biological processes that differ between various life processes or disease groups compared to normal groups. However, these analyses often have limitations. Multi-omics methods integrate information from several omics levels, offering more evidence for biological mechanisms and identifying candidate key factors more thoroughly. By integrating data from different levels, such as genes, mRNA, regulatory factors, proteins, and metabolites, a gene regulatory network can be constructed to understand the regulatory and causal relationships between various molecules more deeply. This leads to a more profound understanding of the molecular mechanisms and genetic bases of complex traits in biological processes and diseases.



      1. Agriculture and Forestry

      Research on growth and development, stress and non-stress mechanisms, crop breeding, conservation of rare species, medicinal plant research, etc.


      2. Animal Husbandry

      Research on growth and development, identification of functional genes for important economic traits of livestock and poultry, research on pathogenic mechanisms, discovery of  biological stress and stress transcription factors in forage grass, etc.


      3. Marine Fisheries

      Research on growth and development, biological evolution studies, toxicology and seafood safety, etc.


      4. Biomedicine

      Biomarkers, disease mechanisms, drug targets, disease classification, personalized treatment, etc.


      5. Microbiology

      Research on pathogenic mechanisms, resistance mechanisms, pathogen-host interactions, etc.


      6. Environmental Science

      Optimization of fermentation processes, biofuel production, environmental hazard risk assessment, etc.


      Services at MtoZ Biolabs

      1. Integrated Transcriptomics and Proteomics analysis

      2. Integrated Transcriptomics and Metabolomics analysis

      3. Integrated Proteomics and Metabolomics Analysis

      4. Integrated Metabonomics and Microbiomics Analysis

      5. Integrated Transcriptomic and Lipidomics Analysis

      6. Integrated Proteomics and Lipidomics Analysis

      7. Integrated Transcriptomic, Proteomic, and Metabolomic Analysis

    • • Exosomal Sequencing Service

      Exosomes are extracellular vesicles that play crucial roles in intercellular communication and signal transduction. Exosome sequencing focuses on sequencing the RNA content within exosomes, including messenger RNA (mRNA), microRNA (miRNA), and long non-coding RNA (lncRNA). These RNAs are key regulators of gene expression, cellular functions, and various biological processes.

    • • 16S/18S/ITS Amplicon Sequencing Service

      Amplicon sequencing is a method that sequences specific lengths of PCR-amplified products or captured fragments, primarily using high-throughput sequencing technologies to target specific genetic materials within defined environments. Traditional methods often fail to isolate and clone most natural microbes, presenting significant challenges in qualitative and quantitative microbial analysis and diversity studies.

    • • Eukaryotic Transcriptome Sequencing Service

      Transcriptome sequencing involves sequencing the complete mRNA within cells during specific developmental stages or physiological conditions. This technique aids in studying gene expression levels and gene structure at a comprehensive level, elucidating molecular mechanisms in specific biological processes. It is widely applied in basic research, clinical diagnosis, drug development, and molecular breeding.

    • • Eukaryotic Non-Ginseng Transcriptome Sequencing Service

      Eukaryotic transcriptome sequencing can be divided into reference-based and non-reference-based scenarios. Among these, non-reference-based sequencing refers to analyzing the eukaryotic transcriptome without a reference genome. For Eukaryotic Non-ginseng Transcriptome Sequencing, the raw data must first undergo quality control and be assembled into unigenes. These unigenes are then used as reference sequences for subsequent analyses, including functional annotation, SNP, and SSR marker development.

    • • Prokaryotic Transcriptomics Sequencing Service

      The transcriptome is the complete set of mRNA within a cell under specific developmental stages or physiological conditions. Transcriptome sequencing, as a technical means of studying the transcriptome, is widely used in biological science research. Analyzing the transcriptome information of biological samples helps in studying the gene transcription situation and transcriptional regulation patterns within cells.

    • • Full-Length 16S/18S/ITS Sequencing Service

      16S/18S/ITS full-length sequencing refers to the process of extracting microbial DNA from samples, using universal primers to amplify the full length of the microbial 16S rDNA, 18S rDNA, or ITS region, and then sequencing it. 16S/18S/ITS full-length sequencing can be used for the detection of microbial diversity.

    • • Metatranscriptomics Sequencing Service

      Metatranscriptomics, also known as environmental transcriptomics, involves the comprehensive study of gene transcription and regulation within microbial communities in specific environments and stages to uncover how microorganisms adapt to varying environmental pressures and to explore the mechanisms of interaction between microorganisms and environments. It can be applied in human microecology, environmental science, industry, and agriculture.

    • • Transcriptome Sequencing (RNA-sequencing) Service

      The transcriptome is the complete set of transcripts within a cell under specific developmental stages or physiological conditions. The main purpose of transcriptome sequencing is to classify all transcripts, including mRNAs, non-coding RNAs, and small RNAs; to determine the transcriptional structure of genes according to the gene's start site, 5′ and 3′ ends, splicing patterns, and other post-transcriptional modifications.

    • • Integrative PTM-Metabolomics Analysis

      Post-translational modifications (PTMs) of proteins are covalent processing events occurring to proteins either during or after their translation. The "post-translationally modified proteome" refers to the collection of post-translationally modified proteins within a cell or tissue. Known protein PTMs include glycosylation, phosphorylation, acetylation, ubiquitination, disulfide bond formation, methylation, and nitrosylation, among others.

    • • Integrative Proteomics-Metabolomics Analysis Service

      The proteome encompasses all proteins expressed by a cell or organism, while the metabolome comprises all metabolites present within a cell or organism. The formation and metabolism of these metabolites result from complex regulatory processes, with proteome-induced functional changes significantly impacting metabolic levels. Integrative analysis of proteomics and metabolomics allows for reciprocal validation and supplementation, offering a more thorough investigation of biomolecular functions and reg......

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