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    Glycosylation Sites and Glycoform Analysis Service

      Protein glycosylation not only influences the protein's spatial configuration, biological activity, transportation, and localization, but also plays a crucial role in specific biological processes such as molecular recognition, cell communication, and signal transduction. Therefore, the analysis of glycosylation sites and their glycoforms is of great significance.


      MtoZ Biolabs offers a glycosylation site and glycoform analysis service based on LC-MS/MS. We typically start by selecting various enzymes to digest the target protein to cover as much of the protein sequence as possible. After cleaving the glycans by enzymes, the glycosylation sites in the protein are analyzed. Once the glycosylated peptides are identified, the target protein is redigested and the glycans on the peptides are retained. During LC-MS/MS analysis, we use a combination of ETD, HCD, and CID to obtain as much secondary fragmentation information of the peptides as possible. Through software analysis and manual identification of the secondary spectra of glycosylated peptide fragments, accurate information about the glycosylation sites and their glycoforms of the target protein is obtained.



      Gashash, E. A. et al. J Proteome Res. 2017.

      Figure 1. Glycosylation Sites and Glycoform Analysis Process



      Figure 2. Glycosylation Sites and Glycoform Analysis


      Service Advantages

      1. Accurate Analysis of the Glycoforms Corresponding to the Glycosylation Sites in the Target Protein

      2. High Sensitivity and Good Reproducibility



      1. Identification of the Glycoforms Corresponding to N-glycosylation Sites in Glycosylated Proteins

      2. Identification of the Glycoforms Corresponding to O-glycosylation Sites in Glycosylated Proteins


      Sample Submission Requirements


      Figure 3. Glycosylation Sites and Glycoform Analysis Sample Requirements


      1. If you provide tissue samples, please transport on dry ice.

      2. If you provide protein samples, please transport protein extracted from common tissues and cell lysis buffer.

      3. Sample Transport: Please use an ample amount of dry ice and opt for the fastest possible mailing method to minimize sample degradation during transportation.



      1. Experimental Procedures

      2. Mass Spectrometric Parameters

      3. Identification information for protein N-type and O-type glycoforms

      4. Mass Spectrometric Images

      5. Raw Data


      Services at MtoZ Biolabs

      1. N-Glycan Modification and Site Analysis Service

      2. O-Glycan Modification and Site Analysis Service

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