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    Label Transfer Protein Interaction Analysis Service

      The label transfer method, in conjunction with crosslinking, facilitates the study of protein interactions by marking proteins that bind to target proteins. This technique is invaluable for discovering new interactions, validating proteins identified by other methods, and analyzing protein complexes. It is particularly effective for detecting weak and transient interactions, which often elude detection by Co-IP or pull-down methods.


      In a typical label transfer experiment, a bait protein is initially treated with a radioactive, fluorescent, or biotin-labeled label transfer reagent (LTR). This protein is then incubated in vitro with a target protein, forming either stable or temporary complexes. Subsequent exposure to ultraviolet light activates the photosensitive moiety of the crosslinker, facilitating covalent bonding with the prey protein. The process concludes with the cleavage of the crosslinker's spacer, freeing the bait protein, and completing the label transfer.


      Compounds such as fluorescent or radioactive-labeled aryl azides, carbene, or benzophenones, when linked to hormones, peptides, or nucleic acids, are utilized to label and investigate previously unknown target proteins. The label transfer method is extensively employed to examine nucleic acid-protein interactions. Utilizing cutting-edge label transfer techniques, MtoZ Biolabs can select suitable crosslinkers tailored to your experimental objectives, facilitating the exploration of your target protein interactions.

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