Identification of Plant Root System Polypeptide Biomarkers
Plant root system peptides are a type of small molecule protein with biological activity secreted by plants, which play an important role in plant growth and development, resistance, defense, and effective use of soil mineral elements. The peptide biomarker identification service can identify the types and content of peptides in the plant root system, study its biological activity, and provide a scientific basis for plant tissue culture, gene improvement, and disease prevention and control. MtoZ Biolabs has established a plant root system peptide biomarker identification platform by combining high-performance liquid chromatography and high-resolution mass spectrometry, providing you with accurate peptide biomarker identification and analysis services.
Service Advantages
1. High Coverage
A single injection for simultaneous quantitative analysis of various peptide biomarkers, with accurate qualitative and quantitative analysis of samples such as plant root systems through isotopic internal standard calibration.
2. High Throughput
The use of protein precipitation preprocessing method, simple, fast, high throughput, can meet the analysis needs of large sample queues; ESI-MS/MS analysis after separation by PFP chromatographic column effectively improves throughput.
3. High Accuracy
Established through the full standard product + multiple isotopic internal standard methods, the recognized qualitative and quantitative gold standard method-MRM scanning mode + accompanying standard curve and isotopic internal standard method are used to ensure the accuracy of the analysis results.
4. Strict Quality Control
MtoZ Biolabs implements a strict quality control system that meets strict analytical requirements in terms of linearity, recovery, accuracy, and precision.
1. Study on Plant Root System Peptides, Key Targets, and Drugs Under Development
2. Plant Root System Peptides and Crop Resistance
3. Plant Root System Peptides and Plant Growth and Development
4. Plant Root System Peptides and Disease Prevention and Control
The expert team at MtoZ Biolabs has a deep background in proteomics and rich experimental experience. We provide customized solutions for each customer. We warmly welcome scholars and researchers to contact us for more detailed information about plant root system peptide biomarker identification technology. Feel free to consult for more details!
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