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    Intestinal Microflora Metabolites Determination Analysis Service

      The gut microbiota refers to the microorganisms that live in the digestive tract of humans and other animals, including bacteria and fungi. In the human body, some undigested carbohydrates cannot be consumed without gut microbiota because certain types of gut microbiota have enzymes that human cells lack to break down certain polysaccharides. In addition, the gut microbiota can also participate in human metabolism and co-metabolize with the human body, such as hormone metabolism, cholesterol and bile acid metabolism, which are all completed in collaboration between the gut microbiota and the human body. More and more evidence suggests that gut microbiota and its metabolites play an important role in human health and diseases. Therefore, exploring the relationship between gut microbiota metabolites and diseases is of great significance for disease prevention and treatment.



      Spivak, I. et al. EMBO Rep. 2022.

      Figure 1. Metabolites of Gut Microbiota Affect Host Physiology


      The metabolites of gut microbiota mainly include short chain fatty acids, bile acids, amino acids, vitamins, choline metabolites, and indole derivatives. Using metabolomics techniques to qualitatively and quantitatively analyze the metabolites of gut microbiota can help understand the physiological status of gut microbiota, and further explore the potential interaction mechanisms between gut microbiota and host, as well as the role of gut microbiota metabolism in host health and disease.




      MtoZ Biolabs provides a package of gut microbiota metabolite detection technology, which can detect various substances such as short chain fatty acids, medium and long chain fatty acids, tryptophan metabolites, bile acids, purines, amino acids, vitamins, etc. You only need to send us your samples, and we will be responsible for all subsequent experiments. MtoZ Biolabs has established a metabolomics research platform for gut microbiota metabolites based on Thermo's Q Executive and AB's Q TOF 5600 mass spectrometer. According to your experimental objectives, different sample processing schemes are used to efficiently extract metabolites for analysis, effectively answering your biological questions while improving the accuracy of metabolite identification and quantification. In addition, we also provide integrated analysis services for proteomics and multi omics. Free consultation is available!


      Sample Submission Requirements

      The commonly used samples are feces, which need to be collected in sterile containers to avoid contamination from the external environment; The quantity of samples needs to be sufficient for testing, but it should not be too much- Freezing and transported at -80 ℃.



      1. Experimental Procedures

      2. Relevant Mass Spectrometry Parameters

      3. Mass Spectrometry Image

      4. Raw Data

      5. Metabolomics Analysis Results

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