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    Proteomics Sequencing Sample Preservation Requirements

      The preservation conditions of proteomics sequencing samples have a significant impact on the sequencing results. The primary goal of preserving samples is to maintain their stability, prevent protein degradation and modification. Here are the basic storage requirements for proteomics sequencing samples:


      Temperature Control

      The samples should be stored at -80°C to avoid possible protein degradation. If long-term storage is needed, avoid frequent freeze-thaw cycles, which may lead to protein degradation and loss of enzyme activity.


      PH Value Control

      PH value is a pivotal factor in protein stability. Generally, the PH value of the sample should be maintained between 7-8.


      Addition of Protease Inhibitors

      When necessary, specific protease inhibitors can be added to prevent protein degradation.


      Reducing Light Exposure

      Proteins are sensitive to light, therefore samples should be stored in a non-transparent environment.


      Avoid Repeated Freeze-Thaw

      After each sampling, the remaining sample should be returned to the freezing environment promptly, avoiding repeated freeze-thaw, which may lead to protein degradation.


      Minimizing Human Intervention During Sample Preparation

      Human intervention could introduce contamination, affecting the sample quality and sequencing results.


      These are the preservation requirements for proteomics sequencing samples. The specific preservation conditions may vary depending on the sample type and sequencing objectives.

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